Mortgage Broker Christchurch

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Get in now the time is right!

Recent First Home Buyers getting the Keys….

Now is the perfect time for first-time home buyers to enter the property market. Recent changes offer significant benefits for those venturing into homeownership. Why rent when you can buy and take advantage of these opportunities?

With relaxed loan-to-value ratio (LVR) restrictions, banks can now lend more generously to those with limited deposits, common for first-time buyers. This adjustment reduces the financial hurdle, enabling loans with just a 20% deposit.

Furthermore, the eased Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) introduces greater lending flexibility, resulting in favourable borrowing terms suited to the unique financial profiles of first-time buyers.

Additionally, interest rates, having peaked, why pay the landlord, have security of your own home, and create long term financial wealth.

In conclusion, the current scenario presents an exceptional opportunity for first-time home buyers. Relaxed lending rules, attractive property prices, with interest rates peaking make it a wonderful time to make a wise purchase decision. Why rent when you can seize these favourable circumstances and make homeownership a reality!